Dr. Jaime Gonzalez lists the many advantages of daily disposables:
Dailies offer the most comfort and best visual quality throughout the day.
- Dailies are not prone to deposit accumulation since you do not reuse the same lens over and over.
- Dailies are the most convenient. You never have to clean or disinfect the contacts or contact lens case.
- You will save over $120 per year by not purchasing contact lens solution.
- You do not have to carry solution with you anywhere.
- If you lose or tear a dailies lens, you will only lose one day worth of contacts, not 2 weeks or 1 month.
- With dailies, you will always have backup contact lenses.
- If you suffer from eye allergies or from dry eyes, dailies provide the most comfort.
- If you are a computer user, dailies will help keep your vision sharper and more stable.
- Dailies are softer and thinner to provide even more comfort throughout the day.
- Dailies are extremely breathable keeping your eye looking whiter and your cornea healthier.
Here are some of the many brands that we carry:
1. Acuvue Oasys with HyrdraLuxe (best)
a. Best for patients that suffer from tired eyes and dryness
b. Integrates with your tear film each day
2. Acuvue 1-day TruEye (best)
a. Best for patients that suffer from dry or red eyes
b. Patients looking for the most comfort and the best visual performance
3. Coopervision Clariti 1 Day and 1 Day Multifocal (best)
a. Silicone hydrogel lenses allow more oxygen to pass through to your corneas
b. Features unique WetLoc® technology.
4. Dailies Total 1 (best)
a. #1 selling dailies lens on the market for years
b. Patients looking for the most comfort and the best visual performance
5. Acuvue 1-day Moist (better)
a. Used for patients that do not suffer from dry eyes
b. Lower in cost compared to Dailies Total 1 or Acuvue TruEye
6. Dailies AquaComfort Plus (better)
a. Used for patients that do not suffer from dry eyes
b. Lower in cost compared to Dailies Total 1 or Acuvue TruEye
7. Focus Dailies (good)
8. ClearSight (good)
9. Biotrue ONE day (good)
10. Biomedics 1-day (good)